253-514-8926 info@5thwave.com

Solution Software

The heart and soul of any solution is the software component. Ultimately it is the ability to match the software to the activities that make your business thrive that will determine the success of failure of your project. 5thWave approaches the software component in multiple ways.

5thWave works with clients who build or have their own software. In these cases, we provide hardware and typically some level of professional services.

For those looking for a solution to their business problems, 5thWave either works with one of our world class partners covering a specific industry, or we can create robust solutions in house to address nearly any business need.

We have a great Warehouse management partner with a long history and great reputation.

We have a terrific Partner in the Distribution and Delivery business for industries such as:

  • Wine and Spirit
  • Beverages of any kind
  • Bakery
  • Home delivery
  • Dairy

For Manufacturing, work in process, food processing and similar industries we have a Partner with decades of experience in the field.  This modular solution can start simple and expand to full track and trace by lot/batch/PO and forward to sales.  If you need to know and document what went into your production, and what customers received product from a given production run, this solution is for you.

For other Industries we can use our extensive network of contacts to locate and partner with a world class software provider specializing in that industry. Alternatively, if a client’s needs are not fulfilled by an out of box package, or if it is more cost efficient for the client, we can develop a custom in house solution specific to the needs of that client. Our custom solutions can be cloud hosted or on premise, and can be browser based or full client server model for robust connection immune mobile applications.

Essentially, we are an agile business problem solving Company. We can operate in a limited role, or we can be the turnkey solution provider.